Rachel Robinson
Celebrity Author of Leading with Uncommon Courage
In a world that has multi-layered ideals about the vastness of skin representation, Rachel Robinson just wants to make sure it’s healthy; a goal she has superceeded with the creation of Sister and Son, LLC.
Sister and Son, LLC., is a revolutionary skincare brand infused with holistic elements and an economic uniqueness that sets it apart from all its competitors. Created with the whole person in mind, Rachel developed a formula that not only executes the clinical use of essential oils but also champions its affordability to clients from all economic backgrounds. Rachel was given the vision from God to create Sister and Son, LLC. She aspires to consider everyone’s needs by creating skincare with enough flexibility to address both the healing of dry skin and the results of facing skin challenges.
Founder Rachel Robinson attributes faith as a necessary addition to the creation of her products. Rachel has a detailed background in Interior Design and is currently earning her education in Sustainable Business- Entrepreneurship Innovation. Inspired by the need to help others overcome life’s hurdles and leave a legacy of generational wealth and knowledge behind, she wishes most to fulfill God’s assignment while helping people love themselves fully.

Uncommon courage is developed through employing a certain skill set; one that is learned through life experiences, trial and error, and flat out making mistakes. Discernment, wisdom, patience, flexibility, and adaptability are among the many skills needed to tough it through many of life’s challenges. ItFear was one of the strongholds that gripped my life and at times left me shivering and believing that I could not move forward. It is through these skills that I have learned to overcome many obstacles and make strides in a positive direction. I hope to help you to develop your uncommon courage and realize how your experiences have given you this unique skill set also. You can triumph hurdles and clear a path to help someone else as well. With trust in God Almighty, you can do anything; even when you’re afraid.
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It’s only a Miracle
“But when I am afraid, I will put my trust in you.”
Psalms 56:3 NLT
This was the first scripture that I taught my then 3-year-old daughter. I wanted her to know that there will be times when she will be afraid. There will be times when fear will rise and try to make her question her identity. There will be times when her dreams and goals will be halted in the face of adversity because of fear. I wanted her to know these things early on because I, as an adult, was learning them too. I wanted her to know that it is okay to be afraid, but not to stay
afraid. I was becoming more aware of how my childhood trauma would affect her if I didn’t learn to overcome the very thing I was teaching her. You might be wondering why I began this chapter referencing my daughter and my title says “It is Only a Mirage”. Well, let me explain.
Rachel Robinson
Uncommon Courage Blog
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