Lisa Parsons
Celebrity Author of Leading with Uncommon Courage
Lisa Parsons is an experienced, licensed Mental Health Professional based in Long Beach, MS. Lisa specializes in helping people recover from stress and traumatic events in their lives. She works with clients to investigate thoughts and habits that support their emotional pain. She helps them find meaning and look at their situation with a fresh perspective that sets them free to experience more peace of mind.
I encourage you to join me and many others on an incredible adventure of a vibrant relationship with God the Father through His Holy Spirit. This amazing journey is available to all of us through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. I wasn’t raised by church-going parents but in a desperate attempt to get me to behave my mother told me about God. This was a springboard for my quest to know God more. In my quest, I have increasingly placed hope and trust in the Lord with a result of gaining insight which led to life changing (and life giving) decisions. These decisions haven’t been easy to implement. It takes courage and honest self-reflection to move from emptiness and fear into action.

The Courage to be Honest
My own story of courage began the day I looked in the mirror and realized that I no longer knew who I was. I had just had another fight with my husband which ended with me finally understanding that no matter how hard I tried, no matter how many self help books I read and changes I made, no matter how closely I tried to follow what I thought my husband wanted, it would never be enough.
Lisa Parsons
Uncommon Courage Blog
How to Axe Self-Sabotaging Behavior
Self-sabotage is uniquely human behavior. Many of us sabotage ourselves when we decide we want something by doing everything we can to ensure we don’t get it. Sound familiar? Although self-sabotage is a subconscious behavior, we can get a handle on it.
Modern Solutions to Overcoming Disadvantages of Introversion
As an introvert, you have so many special qualities that are valuable in a friend or colleague. When you do things like see your ability to listen as a superpower and give yourself time to recharge, you can live a fulfilled life spending quality time with both yourself and others.
I inhale confidence with every breath
I have confidence in my abilities and in myself. My past accomplishments fuel my confidence. I expect to accomplish great things in the future.